Surname of a Hindu Child

What is in a Name or a Surname ?

A name is something by which we are known to the world or society,it is an essential part of our image.

In astrology we use the term “ARUDHA” which is a sum of things visible about a person. It is about public perception of a person.the foremost being the name and surname e.g any one can have name Subhash but only a few can have the name “Subhash Chandra Bose”

Our names may be the ones which are given to us by our parents, nicknames by friends,family as well as by enemies but it is the Surname which we inherit.

A person is addressed by nicknames and first name in closed circle and formally through his surname in official circle like  Mr Barack Obama is usually addressed as Mr Obama, Mr Jawahar lal Nehru is addressed as Mr Nehru and most of us know Mohandas karamchand Gandhi as just Mr Gandhi.

A Surname is the first thing a child inherits from his father on which his other inheritance claims are based upon.

The question arises why only Father’s Surname – why not of the Mother ?

Can a child inherit or use surname of someone else or mother in place of father’s surname? the answer is YES. a child may use surname other than that of biological has been permitted in history and is legally permissible in today’s date but under specific conditions.

Lets see the conditions now:

(A) The child is born into a matrilineal  society. while India is mostly a patrilineal society there exist matrilineal societies where females are family head and inheritance passes from  mother to daughter.

The rights and responsibilities lie with mothers family, husband stays with wife in her maternal home and child has no right on paternal property.

(B) In chandayoga upanishad we come accross the story of Satyakaama.

“Satyakaama” was son of a courtesan “Jabala” .when he was of school going age ,just like his friends he went to ashrama of Rsi Gautama to enrol as a brahmchari(student). The teacher asked him his name and his fathers name and the young Satyakama told that he does not know the name of his father .The teacher advised Satyakaama to enquire from his mother and come back the next day.

Satyakaama asked his mother about the name of his father . Jabala,his mother told him that she worked in palace and was in contact with a few men and she does not know who his father really is. She told him to disclose this to Rsi Gautama and tell him that his name is Satyakaama Jabala because he is son of Jabala.

Satyakaama told Rsi Gautama what he had learnt from his mother and the Rsi took him as his student saying that a person who has the guts to speak truth is indeed a “Brahmin” and thus eligible to study the vedic texts.

This child  later became a seer himself and is known as author of Jabala upanishad.

there do arise unfortunate instances where a child is born without marriage and mother or father or both of them are not able to disclose/admit the paternity of child,such a child can use surname of mother because the father is not disclosed.

Hon Supreme court of India has upheld this view in judgement  ABC vs State(2015)

. this judgement gives relief to children born without legal or social proof of marriage between their parents and allows using mother’s surname making  mention of father name irrelevant in such cases. natturally child has no legal rights in property of biological father.

(C)  There existed a system in ancient India known as Putrika.

I have in past posted about this.India being a patriarchal society gives the male children responsibility of funeral rights  and associated duties like shraddha , pitri tarpana.

In case a person has no male children his daughter may be married as a Putrika by informing the groom beforehand.The first male child born out of such a wedlock used to  be responsible for performing such duties and become legal heir to his maternal grandfather.The marriage used to end with mother coming back to father’s home with child inhering maternal grandfather’s surname. In variation the marriage continued ,child inherited father’s surname and responsibility of performing ancestral rights for both families and was a legal heir to assets of both families.

the system is treated as  obsolete by Indian Law .


(D) adoption : If the child of undisputed paternity is legally adopted by maternal family of child ,upon completing the legal formalities which include a no objection certificate  from the biological father who happens husband or ex husband of mother. In such a case the child can use surname of mother/maternal grandfather instead of using surname of father.

Of late there seems to a trend of abolishing father’s surname and using mother’s surname in name of woman empowerment or in name of child welfare by claiming absence of father without examining child alienation by mothers.

Indian courts treat father as the legal guardian of children (above age 5) hence the father is given the responsibility of maintaining the child  in case of undisputed paternity .

In Mahabharata we come accross the boon by Rsi Durvaasa to Kunti through which she could summon Devas to beget children.

Her trial with the mantra resulted in birth of Karna.

after her marriage as Pandu was not in able to become father due to debilty and curses Kunti again used the mantra to beget  Sons

through Dharmaraja: Yudhishtira

through   Vaayu : Bheema and Arjuna through Indra

Nakula and Sehdeva were born to Madri through Ashwani Kumaras by using the same mantra.

they were knows as Pandava- sons of Pandu.

as the paternity was not disputed by either their mother or others the Pandavas known to be sons of Pandu could claim a portion of Kingdom. Being sons of Indra, Vaayu and Dharmaraja and Ashwani Kumaras how could they be legal heirs to the kingdom ?

I am told even today same holds true: a child born to a married woman through a man who is not her husband inherits surname and property of  her husband unless the paternity is challenged and proved.

Changing Surname of child is taking him away from his identity and forcing coercing him to do so is morally and legally wrong as you give him an additional reason to ask himself : Who Am I ?

A child is not a tool of settling personal scores among battling parents, a child is someone to be taken care of within the means of parents.Sooner we learn this sooner we shall be acting in the direction of a better society for them.






देश के बेटे को भी न्याय मिलेगा क्या?

कुछ दिन पहले एक चैनल पर आ रहा था – अब मिलेगा देश की बेटी को न्याय , पिछले दिनों दिल्ली में हुए बलात्कार काण्ड में जो कानूनी धारा लगाईं  गयी उसके बारे में बताते हुए ऐसा कहा जा रहा था . इस में कोई शक नहीं की बलात्कार एक घिनौना अपराध है और पीड़ित को न्याय मिलना चाहिए लेकिन ऐसा ही एक घिनौना अपराध कानून का दुरूपयोग करके किसी का जीवन बर्बाद करना है . पिछले दिनों ही खबर थी – एक महिला ने बलात्कार का झूठा केस दर्ज करवाया , जब तक झूठा केस करवाने वाले को सजा नहीं मिलेगी तब तक कानून का दुरूपयोग होता रहेगा , महिलायों के खिलाफ अपराध के कानूनी संख्या बढती रहे गी , कानून बनते रहेंगे .

उम्मीद है किसी दिन ऐसी भी खबर आएगी – देश के बेटे को दहेज़ के झूठे मामले में फंसाने वाली बीवी के खिलाफ आरोपपत्र दायर – अब मिलेगा देश के बेटे को न्याय .

सपना है, सुंदर है ,कभी पूरा भी होगा .

अंग्रेजी में नहीं लिख रहा रहा क्यों की शर्म आती है कि हमारे देश में इतने साल से कानून का दुरूपयोग हो रहा है जिसको सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने भी माना है और सरकार को आदेश दिए हैं  दहेज़  कानून में संशोधन के लेकिन अभी तक कुछ नहीं हुआ . भारतीय इसे  पढ़ें , सोचें  कि क्या होना चाहिए – पीड़ित के लिए न्याय  या नागरिक के लिए न्याय  या महिला के लिए न्याय .

महिलाओं के प्रति संवेदनशील  होने का अर्थ यह तो नहीं की पुरुष के प्रति असंवेदनशील हो जाएँ .

नया सभी का हक है . पुरुष के बिना समाज की कल्पना करने वाले भी सोचें और जो ऐसा नहीं सोच सकते उनको तो सोचना ही चाहिए .

A rambling talk on the śaiva mantra tradition

Source: A rambling talk on the śaiva mantra tradition

Domestic violence and astrology

painful relationships is something which is not new neither is domestic violence.

Legal definition of domestic violence differs from country to country .

In nutshell domestic violence may be termed as one or all of these: inflicting physical.mental,emotional, financial and social ( in terms of spoiling someones reputation) injury.

needless to say that it is a gender neutral activity, both men and women have been found to be initiators of domestic violence resulting in creation of both feminist and masculist groups fighting for their rights.

We Indians believe in matching of horoscopes  to ensure a stable marriage but we find cases where despite a so called well matched horoscope the marriage runs into problems due to domestic violence.

Long ago while going a bad patch in life I was introduced to this concept which in within our texts but still overlooked by many astrologers while matching horoscopes.

Tithi- the lunar date, nakshatra- star occupied by moon,

rasi- sign occupied by moon,

vaar- weekday and lagna – ascendent

need to be looked into to analyze mental and emotional injury, damage to reputation and physical injuries respectively.

in case there is ghataka, it is better to avoid the match and if already married remedies need to be done under guidance of a good astrologer to minimize the injury thus stabilizing the  marriage.

for a male it is double injury because  a man who is a victim of domestic violence may still have to pay alimony to get out of a painful relationship which adds more to the pain.

Even when 36 guna match, marriage can be very painful for one or for both.

At that time I was directed to read  the details on website of Shri Sanjay Rath but that writeup is not available in today’s date however a fantastic detailed writeup on this topic with all relavent tables is available on website of Shri Sarajit Poddar, who is a student of Shri Sanjay Rath.

the article can be read here :

I would request all to consider this while horoscope matching .

Yoga-Yajnavlkya/ Yajnavlkya gita

Yoga Yajnavlkya is a text on yoga attributed to Rishi Yajnavlkya and is in form of a dialogue between Yajnavlkya and Brahmvadini Gargi.

spread over 12 chapters it demonstrates the basics of yoga principles applicable to both men and women establishing the fact that in vedic India both men and women were entitled to spiritual pursuits.

it defines the eight limbs of yoga with slight differentiation wrt patanjali yoga sutras.

yajnavlkya lists 10 yamas ( moral restraints ) as  ahimsa (non violence), satya (truth) ,asteya (non stealing) ,brahmacharya ( sexual restraint) , daya ( compassion/ sympathy) , arjava ( sincerity, straight forwardness) , kshama ( forgiveness) , dhriti ( mental firmness) , mitahara ( controlled diet ), shaucha ( purity ).

ten niyamas- things to do :

tapas ( penance ) , santosha ( contentment ) ,astikeya ( truthfulness ) , dana ( donation ) , ishvarapuja ( prayers ), siddhanta sharavana ( leaning vedanta principles ) , hiri ( withdrawing from things which cause shame ) , mati            ( sacred beliefs ) , japa ( repeating sacred syllables), vrata ( path to ethical conduct ).

ten yamas and ten niyamas as opposed to 5 in patanjali yoga sutras.

the test also speaks about other limbs of yoga as  asanas, nadis, pranayama ( breath control ), pratyahara ( turning inwards, focussing ) , dharana ( self absorption ), dhyana and samadhi.

the sanskrit text can be seen here :


Saraswati stotra by Rishi Agastya

या कुन्देन्दु तुषारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावृता
या वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना ।
या ब्रह्माच्युत शङ्करप्रभृतिभिर्देवैस्सदा पूजिता
सा मां पातु सरस्वती भगवती निश्शेषजाड्यापहा ॥ 1 ॥

दोर्भिर्युक्ता चतुर्भिः स्फटिकमणिनिभै रक्षमालान्दधाना
हस्तेनैकेन पद्मं सितमपिच शुकं पुस्तकं चापरेण ।
भासा कुन्देन्दुशङ्खस्फटिकमणिनिभा भासमानाज़्समाना
सा मे वाग्देवतेयं निवसतु वदने सर्वदा सुप्रसन्ना ॥ 2 ॥

सुरासुरैस्सेवितपादपङ्कजा करे विराजत्कमनीयपुस्तका ।
विरिञ्चिपत्नी कमलासनस्थिता सरस्वती नृत्यतु वाचि मे सदा ॥ 3 ॥

सरस्वती सरसिजकेसरप्रभा तपस्विनी सितकमलासनप्रिया ।
घनस्तनी कमलविलोललोचना मनस्विनी भवतु वरप्रसादिनी ॥ 4 ॥

सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यं वरदे कामरूपिणि ।
विद्यारम्भं करिष्यामि सिद्धिर्भवतु मे सदा ॥ 5 ॥

सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यं सर्वदेवि नमो नमः ।
शान्तरूपे शशिधरे सर्वयोगे नमो नमः ॥ 6 ॥

नित्यानन्दे निराधारे निष्कलायै नमो नमः ।
विद्याधरे विशालाक्षि शुद्धज्ञाने नमो नमः ॥ 7 ॥

शुद्धस्फटिकरूपायै सूक्ष्मरूपे नमो नमः ।
शब्दब्रह्मि चतुर्हस्ते सर्वसिद्ध्यै नमो नमः ॥ 8 ॥

मुक्तालङ्कृत सर्वाङ्ग्यै मूलाधारे नमो नमः ।
मूलमन्त्रस्वरूपायै मूलशक्त्यै नमो नमः ॥ 9 ॥

मनोन्मनि महाभोगे वागीश्वरि नमो नमः ।
वाग्म्यै वरदहस्तायै वरदायै नमो नमः ॥ 10 ॥

वेदायै वेदरूपायै वेदान्तायै नमो नमः ।
गुणदोषविवर्जिन्यै गुणदीप्त्यै नमो नमः ॥ 11 ॥

सर्वज्ञाने सदानन्दे सर्वरूपे नमो नमः ।
सम्पन्नायै कुमार्यै च सर्वज्ञे ते नमो नमः ॥ 12 ॥

योगानार्य उमादेव्यै योगानन्दे नमो नमः ।
दिव्यज्ञान त्रिनेत्रायै दिव्यमूर्त्यै नमो नमः ॥ 13 ॥

अर्धचन्द्रजटाधारि चन्द्रबिम्बे नमो नमः ।
चन्द्रादित्यजटाधारि चन्द्रबिम्बे नमो नमः ॥ 14 ॥

अणुरूपे महारूपे विश्वरूपे नमो नमः ।
अणिमाद्यष्टसिद्धायै आनन्दायै नमो नमः ॥ 15 ॥

ज्ञान विज्ञान रूपायै ज्ञानमूर्ते नमो नमः ।
नानाशास्त्र स्वरूपायै नानारूपे नमो नमः ॥ 16 ॥

पद्मजा पद्मवंशा च पद्मरूपे नमो नमः ।
परमेष्ठ्यै परामूर्त्यै नमस्ते पापनाशिनी ॥ 17 ॥

महादेव्यै महाकाल्यै महालक्ष्म्यै नमो नमः ।
ब्रह्मविष्णुशिवायै च ब्रह्मनार्यै नमो नमः ॥ 18 ॥

कमलाकरपुष्पा च कामरूपे नमो नमः ।
कपालिकर्मदीप्तायै कर्मदायै नमो नमः ॥ 19 ॥

सायं प्रातः पठेन्नित्यं षण्मासात्सिद्धिरुच्यते ।
चोरव्याघ्रभयं नास्ति पठतां शृण्वतामपि ॥ 20 ॥

इत्थं सरस्वती स्तोत्रमगस्त्यमुनि वाचकम् ।
सर्वसिद्धिकरं नॄणां सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् ॥ 21 ॥

live in v/s marriage – a good article

came accross a good write up on allowing alimony to woman in live in relationship.

kindly read

The dance of the bhairava


bhairava on a cadaver from Nepal

netrAku~nchana-sAraNa-krama-kR^ita-pravyakta-naktaM dino
dik-chakrAnta-visarpi-sallari-saTA-bhArAvaruddhAmbaraH |
hasta-nyasta-kapAla-kandara-darI-muktAbhra-dhArAH pibann
unmukta-dhvani-bhinna-karNa-kuharaH kravyAd ayaM nR^ityati ||

netra= eye; Aku~nchana= closing; sAraNa= opening; krama= periodic; kR^ita= act; pravyakta= manifest; naktaM= night; dinaH= day; dik= direction; chakra= circle; anta= ends; [dikchakrAnta= horizon] visarpi= spreading; sallari=lashing (onomatopoeic) ; saTA= bristles; bhAra= mass; avaruddha= covered; ambaraH= sky

hasta= hand; nyasta= held; kapAla= skull; kandara= bowl; darI= fissure; mukta= release; abhra= cloud; dhArAH= streams; pibann= drinking; unmukta= let out; dhvani= noise; bhinna= split; karNa-kuharaH= ear-drum; kravyAd= corpse-eater; ayaM= this; nR^ityati= dances.

By the periodic closing and opening of his eyes he has made day and night manifest;
By spreading his lashing, bristly mass of hair, he has covered the sky till the horizons;
Drinking cloud-streams released from the fissures of the skull bowl held in his hands,
having shattered ear-drums with the roar he has let out, this corpse-eater dances!

The bhairava ectype of…

View original post 627 more words

shloka on Sri Krishna from Mukundamala stotram

कृष्णो रक्षतु नो जगत्त्रयगुरुः कृष्णं नमस्यामहम्
कृष्णेनामरशत्रवो विनिहताः कृष्णाय तस्मै नमः।
कृष्णादेव समुत्थितं जगदिदं कृष्णस्य दासोऽस्म्यहम्
कृष्णे तिष्ठति सर्वमेतदखिलं हे कृष्ण रक्षस्व माम्॥४४॥
kṛṣṇo rakṣatu no jagattrayaguruḥ kṛṣṇaṁ namasyāmaham
kṛṣṇenāmaraśatravo vinihatāḥ kṛṣṇāya tasmai namaḥ|
kṛṣṇādeva samutthitaṁ jagadidaṁ kṛṣṇasya dāso’smyaham
kṛṣṇe tiṣṭhati sarvametadakhilaṁ he kṛṣṇa rakṣasva mām||44||
May Krishna, the guru of the three worlds protect us. I bow to Krishna.
By Krishna, the enemies of the Devas (Asuras) were killed. Salutations to that Krishna.
From Krishna, has this entire world emanated. I am Krishna’s servant.
In Krishna stays this entire Universe. O Krishna, protect me!

Ganesha stotra

गणनायकाय गणदेवताय गणाध्यक्षाय धीमहि ।
गुणशरीराय गुणमण्डिताय गुणेशानाय धीमहि ।
गुणातीताय गुणाधीशाय गुणप्रविष्टाय धीमहि ।
एकदंताय वक्रतुण्डाय गौरीतनयाय धीमहि ।
गजेशानाय भालचन्द्राय श्रीगणेशाय धीमहि ॥

गानचतुराय गानप्राणाय गानान्तरात्मने ।
गानोत्सुकाय गानमत्ताय गानोत्सुकमनसे ।
गुरुपूजिताय गुरुदेवताय गुरुकुलस्थायिने ।
गुरुविक्रमाय गुह्यप्रवराय गुरवे गुणगुरवे ।
गुरुदैत्यगलच्छेत्रे गुरुधर्मसदाराध्याय ।
गुरुपुत्रपरित्रात्रे गुरुपाखण्डखण्डकाय ।
गीतसाराय गीततत्त्वाय गीतगोत्राय धीमहि ।
गूढगुल्फाय गन्धमत्ताय गोजयप्रदाय धीमहि ।
गुणातीताय गुणाधीशाय गुणप्रविष्टाय धीमहि ।
एकदंताय वक्रतुण्डाय गौरीतनयाय धीमहि ।
गजेशानाय भालचन्द्राय श्रीगणेशाय धीमहि ॥

ग्रन्थगीताय ग्रन्थगेयाय ग्रन्थान्तरात्मने ।
गीतलीनाय गीताश्रयाय गीतवाद्यपटवे ।
गेयचरिताय गायकवराय गन्धर्वप्रियकृते ।
गायकाधीनविग्रहाय गङ्गाजलप्रणयवते ।
गौरीस्तनन्धयाय गौरीहृदयनन्दनाय ।
गौरभानुसुताय गौरीगणेश्वराय ।
गौरीप्रणयाय गौरीप्रवणाय गौरभावाय धीमहि ।
गोसहस्राय गोवर्धनाय गोपगोपाय धीमहि ।
गुणातीताय गुणाधीशाय गुणप्रविष्टाय धीमहि ।
एकदंताय वक्रतुण्डाय गौरीतनयाय धीमहि ।
गजेशानाय भालचन्द्राय श्रीगणेशाय धीमहि ॥gaNa-nAyakAya gaNa-devatAya gaNA_dhyakShAya dhImahi |
guNa-sharIrAya guNa-maNDitAya guNe_shAnAya dhImahi |
guNA_tItAya guNA_dhIshAya guNa-praviShTAya dhImahi |
ek-dantAya vakra-tuNDAya gaurI-tanayAya dhImahi |
gaje_shAnAya bhAla-chandrAya shrI-gaNeshAya dhImahi ||

gAna-chaturAya gAna-prANAya gAnAnta_rAtmane |
gAnotsukAya gAnamattAya gAnotsuka_manase |
guru-pUjitAya guru-devatAya guru-kula-sthAyine |
guru-vikramAya guhya-pravarAya gurave guNa-gurave |
guru-daityagalachchhetre guru-dharma-sadA_rAdhyAya |
guru-putra-paritrAtre guru-pAkhaNDa-khaNDakAya |
gIta-sArAya gIta-tattvAya gIta-gotrAya dhImahi |
gUDh-gulphAya gandha-mattAya go-jaya-pradAya dhImahi |
guNA_tItAya guNA_dhIshAya guNa-praviShTAya dhImahi |
ek-dantAya vakra-tuNDAya gaurI-tanayAya dhImahi |
gaje_shAnAya bhAla-chandrAya shrI-gaNeshAya dhImahi ||

granth-gItAya granth-geyAya granthAntarAtmane |
gIta-lInAya gItAshrayAya gIta-vAdya-paTave |
geya-charitAya gAyaka-varAya gandharva-priya-kRite |
gAyakAdhIna-vigrahAya gaGgA-jala-praNayavate |
gaurI-stanandhayAya gaurI-hRidaya-nandanAya |
gaura-bhAnu-sutAya gaurI-gaNeshvarAya |
gauri-praNayAya gauri-pravaNAya gaura-bhAvAya dhImahi |
go-sahasrAya go-vardhanAya gopa-gopAya dhImahi |
guNA_tItAya guNA_dhIshAya guNa-praviShTAya dhImahi |
ek-dantAya vakra-tuNDAya gaurI-tanayAya dhImahi |
gaje_shAnAya bhAla-chandrAya shrI-gaNeshAya dhImahi |


Few lessons which I learnt from mahabharata

Mahabharata has a lot to learn for a person of this age and each one learns from it lessons as per his/her temperament.

If one thinks ,every character in this epic did what he/she thought was right, be it Bhishma,Karna or other characters.

I am just highlighting few things which I learnt from the great work of Sri Vedavyasa:

When the elders or the people who are in a position to guide the younger generations as source of wisdom align themselves people in power instead of aligning with the person who is right  due to any reason bad things happen and you would need the help and guidance of Sri Krishna to come out of such situation.

Before taking a vow always take guidance of seniors ,parents,teachers so that you may be enlightened about the far reaching effects of your vows. take the example of Devavarta (Bhishma)

knowledge gained by deceit will fail in times when you need it most so why to get it by deceiving your teacher or stealing it . the best way to get knowledge is to be truthful and humble before the Guru, you may not get what you want but whatever you get will be usable when you need it most.take the example of karna .

Knowledge and power should be given to people who have faith,understand its value and are mature enough to handle it just like Kunti did by trying the mantra given to her and gave birth to Karna accidentally.




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